The pinetime does not have a serial port.
I do not have a segger debugging probe.
A way around this, it to put a value in memory at a fixed location.
With openocd you can peek at this memory location.
In this repo under samples you will find an adapted i2c scanner program.
west build -p -b pinetime samples/drivers/i2c_scanner
NOTE: #define MY_REGISTER (*(volatile uint8_t*)0x2000F000)
in the program you can set values: MY_REGISTER=1; MY_REGISTER=8;
this way you know till where the code executes
#telnet 4444
once your telnet sessions started:
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Open On-Chip Debugger
>mdw 0x2000F000 0x1
0x2000f000: 00c24418
this corresponds to 0x18, 0x44 and 0xC2 (which is endvalue of scanner, so it does not detect touchscreen, which should be touched first….)